Online Edition

GPPR welcomes submissions from students, academics, or professionals in policy, politics, or the media.

For online submissions, please keep all articles to 1,500 words or less – this length allows authors to treat substantive policy issues with sufficient depth without overwhelming readers.

Opinion pieces, literature reviews, and original writing relevant to any aspect of public policy or politics are welcome. Please include references and citations to online sources as hyperlinks in the text. GPPR follows the AP Style (link accessible to Georgetown students).

All work must be original and appropriately cited. We do not consider work that is already published elsewhere. GPPR reserves the right to edit submissions for accuracy, clarity, grammar, and length. GPPR may also ask clarifying questions on substance to help develop arguments and strengthen the analysis.

You can submit articles via email to our online editors at with the subject line “GPPR article submission.” If you want to work with our data visualization team on a visualization for your article, please include a description of the graph(s) you need and all relevant data with your email. Please note that the editorial process can normally take up to two weeks. If your submission is genuinely time-sensitive, please indicate so in your submission email.

For any questions, please contact the GPPR editor-in-chief, at