Nisha Singh

MPP, GIWPS Gender, Peace, and Security Certificate ’21 – International Development, Civil Society and Governance, Gender and Human Rights Nisha is currently an MPP evening student and during the day she works on reproductive health and rights advocacy at The White Ribbon Alliance. After earning her BA from Macalester College in 2010, Nisha cut her teeth in civil society and development work as a community organizer in Florida before shifting to international development project management, primarily in Africa and South Asia. Her personal interests include teaching dance classes and being overly zealous about her book club.

One Vote: Who will decide what’s ‘fair’ in state redistricting?

High-profile Supreme Court decisions and the stakes of the 2021 decennial redistricting processes elevated partisan redistricting into the national spotlight in 2020. The partisan gerrymandering debate focuses on the constitutional context and judicial precedent deciding which entities are responsible for drawing district lines. When the courts punt responsibility back to state legislatures, political strategists focus […]