Nathan Witkin

Nathan Witkin is a second-year MPP student who practiced law and served as a mediator for 10 years before enrolling at McCourt to study public policy innovation. His ideas published outside GPPR include the interspersed nation-state system, interest group mediation, dependent advocacy, a police-community partnership model for citizen review boards, a novel framework for sovereignty in a globalizing world, co-resolution, consensus arbitration, executive bargaining, a theory of impact bonds, and an alternative explanation of gravity.

Rate, Subscribe, and Libel: A New Approach to Deterring Conspiracy Theories on Social Media

  Conspiracy theories are spreading on social media platforms, and algorithms promoting engagement may contribute to the problem. This article offers a public policy option promising reasonable incentives for social media companies and users to restrain our natural attraction to conspiracy theories.    Under this proposed policy, unique defamation lawsuits targeting online falsehoods could result […]

Smart-on-Crime, Not Tough-on-Crime: What You (Yes, You) Can Do to Dismantle Our Racist Criminal Justice System

This article shows how incentives for local officials that you can affect – rather than subconscious biases of largely well-meaning police officers you cannot affect – are the main cause and potential solution to problems of systemic racism in America. Following the homicide of George Floyd, American policymakers are moving toward tougher regulation and oversight […]