Hannah Friedman

Originally from Germany, Hannah moved to Boston when she was young. After growing up in New England, she attended American University in Washington, DC, where she majored in International Relations and minored in Economics, French and Spanish. She also earned two translation certificates in French and Spanish. Upon graduating from American University, Hannah moved to London, where she worked for a financial technology start-up. After two years, she transferred to New York, where she took over operations for her employer's North American clients. At McCourt, Hannah is focusing primarily on technology policy. She is interested in studying economic shifts due to  technological advancement and sees herself going into think thank work after McCourt. In her spare time, Hannah likes to read, spend time outdoors and explore different corners of DC.

Reevaluating the Conversation on Automation and the Future of Work

Author: Mixabest | Wikimedia Commons

Introduction As the world continues to advance technologically, more and more jobs become susceptible to automation, with machines completing tasks formerly undertaken by people on an increasing scale. Automation is widely hailed as a cost-effective, efficiency-oriented solution for businesses, which can use technology to greatly reduce instances of human error in their work, speed up […]