Spring Edition

📢Call for Papers: Annual Spring Edition 2025!

The Georgetown Public Policy Review, the flagship academic journal of the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University, is now accepting submissions for its highly anticipated 2024-25 Spring Edition!

Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your research, ideas, and insights. Share this exciting news with the talented students and alumni of your esteemed institution and encourage them to make their mark in the world of public policy with GPPR!

Submit articles to seniorspringeditor@gppreview.com by January 31, 2025. Earlier submissions are welcomed and encouraged.


Accepted Submission Types:

Research Article Submissions:

4,000-6,000 words

Research articles represent long-form academic pieces advancing sound conceptual frameworks using quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods. Original empirical analysis is preferred but not required for long-form submissions.

Policy Essay Submissions:

1,500-3,000 words

Policy essay submissions are academic pieces which are shorter than research articles and less dependent on original research but which are still firmly grounded in empirical evidence and which still make an original contribution to the literature.

Book/Article Reviews:

1,000-2,000 words

Book/article reviews should respond to an existing piece of academic writing in GPPR or in another publication in the spirit of informed discussion and civil debate. Recent publications are preferred. Should include the title, author, publisher/journal, year, and ISBN (if applicable).

For those seeking to publish shorter articles (of about 1,200 words), we recommend you submit them to GPPR’s Online Edition (info here).


Submission Guidelines

All submission emails must contain:

  • One copy of the article with all personal identification information redacted (.docx or Google doc; please do not submit as .pdf).
  • One copy of the article that includes personal identification information, including institutional affiliation.
  • For research articles only: One brief abstract (250-word maximum) summarizing the piece.
  • A brief cover letter indicating whether the article is published or is being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • If you used a reference management software (like Zotero or Mendeley) to prepare your manuscript, please include a BibTeX file with your reference information.
  • Please send any questions to the Senior Spring Editors at seniorspringeditor@gppreview.com.

Text and Reference Formatting:

  • Submissions should adhere to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition.
  • References should be in author-date format, NOT notes-bibliography. Submissions with incorrectly formatted references will be sent back to the author for reformatting.
  • 12-point font for all text, double-spaced (excluding text in figures, tables, and footnotes) with one-inch margins.
  • Include page numbers.
  • Use footnotes, not endnotes.

Figures and Tables Guidelines:

  • Place figures and tables where they should be in the manuscript or indicate placement with the placeholder [Table/Figure 1 here].
  • Place and number figures and tables consecutively.
  • Describe all variables that appear in tables or figures in appropriate detail in the text.

GPPR only accepts work not published elsewhere. Authors must notify the senior spring editors if the article has been published anywhere else in a different form (i.e., prior forms of the publication that may employ different methods, variables, etc.).

For reproduction and quality control, authors may be asked to submit Stata/R files as well as datasets. Every article must acknowledge the sources of funding, if any. GPPR reserves the right to require certification of institutional review.

Submissions may not include more than five unique in-text citations of the author’s own published work, meaning that only a maximum of five of the author’s past publications should appear in the reference section of manuscripts. There is no limit for short essays or letters. Authors must redact their names from their own self-citations in the blinded copy.