Josh Caplan is a second year MPP student and the Executive Interview Editor for the GPPReview. While earning a M.A. in Political Science at Purdue University, he coached the nationally recognized Purdue Speech and Debate Team. His studies have focused on how individuals identify themselves and the effects of political context in public policy creation, with the results being presented in consecutive Midwest Political Science Association conferences. Josh has worked in numerous campaigns at both the state and federal level in the field and as a policy fellow.
Josh Caplan’s Posts:
Campaign Disclosure in the Super PAC Era: An Interview with Dr. Lee Drutman
Josh, was the Feingold interview before Boston attacks? I’m guessing yes but wanted to confirm. Dave Umhoefer, reporter, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
Josh, was the Feingold interview before Boston attacks? I’m guessing yes but wanted to confirm. Dave Umhoefer, reporter, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.