
Disability Services are Not Enough: Making the Case for a Disability Cultural Center at Georgetown University

Note: The author of this article has chosen to use identity-first language rather than person-first language. Some Disabled people use a capital D to denote community, the way one might write “Black person” or “Deaf person”. The author has done the same where appropriate, so “Disabled” denotes a connection to the community and “disabled” is […]

Exam-Mandatory Schools Underscore Inequities in The Boston Public School System

In the 2015-16 academic year (AY), Boston Public Schools (BPS) reported the following average Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) scores: 13th percentile in critical reading, 14th percentile in writing, and 17th percentile in mathematics. The composite average is at the 14th percentile mark. These are the averages at the school level once the three exam-mandatory schools […]